Winter Pot Roast with Red Wine

Posted by Becky Atten on

I have been braising grassfed chuck roasts as long as I have been raising grassfed beef.  The braising cuts are the best.  Braising cuts are anything that needs to be long cooked.  Chuck, short ribs, stew meat, brisket, tongue, soup bones. 

Pot Roast is Chuck (most often) cooked with carrots, onions, herbs and spices, and served with potatoes, mashed or baked.  It can be further enhanced with red wine, which I highly recommend, the best pot roasts usually are, but they don't have to be.  Beef broth is also used to cook the roast, or a combination of both.  

Pot Roast can be very complicated and time consuming, but recently there seems to be more and more recipes popping up that take the hassle out of the preparation part of the recipe and are very good meals.  Although the best is Julia Childs boeuf bourguignon. That one, in my opinion, will never be topped! If you have never made a roast at this level or standard, give it a try.  It is not to be rushed, skimped, or substituted it is French cooking at it's best and makes for a great winter food project. 


No matter how streamlined a pot roast recipe is, Cooking time is still going to be more than an hour due to the nature of the meat.  Although cutting the roast pieces down a little will cut cooking time somewhat. I have never found an Instant Pot recipe for pot roast that I believe to have the right consistency and flavors.  Let me know if you have!

Give this recipe a try.  I hope you enjoy it.  I found it to be a good combination of little fuss, while keeping the time it takes to make a good roast.  

This recipe is inspired by Teagan Gerard at Half Baked Harvest.  


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